Welcome to Rey’s OS222 Repository!

Here you can find links that I found helpful.
Week 0
- Learn about Operating Systems in 1 minute
This video explains operating system definitions with animation so that it’s fun to watch.
Week 1
- Basic Vi Commands
This site consists about commands that you can do with Vi. I think it’s pretty easy to understand.
- Markdown Guide
This site has everything about markdown.
- Markdown Cheatsheets
I think this github repository is useful if you want to learn about Markdown or getting Markdown template.
- Nano’s Shortcuts
Here you can find cheatsheet about Nano commands.
Week 2
- C Cheatheets
This site contains cheatsheet for C language that I think very useful, eventough I’m newbie to C.
- Crypthography
This website is good enough to get introduction for Crypthography.
- Introduction to SHA256 Algorithm
I think this site is very useful for you who want to learn SHA256, even if you’re new to it.
- Are Macs really safer?
This video is fun to watch, because it explains why mac isn’t really safer than other operating system.
Week 3
This medium site explains about GNU Privacy Guard with detail but no boring explanations.
- File System Summary
This site is very useful because it contains explanation about file system including file attributes, structure, type, etc.
- File Systems: NTFS. exFAT, FAT32, ext4, etc
This video explains about the difference between NTFS, exFAT, FAT32, and other file system.
- Why are There So Many of File System? What is it actually?
This week, we’re talking about file system. This site provides explanations about file system and the reason why there are so many of them.
Week 4
- Little & Big Endian
Geeks for geeks always give us valuable information, right? Now, what makes big endian and little endian different? Is there any mystery about them? You can find it here!
- Global & Local Variable
As we know, there are two kinds of variable: global and local. What are those actually? This site has the answer.
- What is Virtual Memory?
In this video, we can learn about virtual memory. Do you wonder how cool that is? A memory thats not real? This video explains what virtual memory actually is.
- Physical & Logical Address
This is a short article about physical and logical address with understandable explanation.
Week 5
- Different Types of Memory
As we know, there are many kinds of memory out there. For example SRAM, DRAM, Cache, etc. This video explains something that makes them differs to one anoother.
- Where does virtual memory exists?
Sometimes I wonder where virtual memory stores data. This quora thread will explains about where and how virtual memory works. I think this forum is interesting.
Week 6
- Thread in Operating System
GeeksForGeeks always have good explanation. You can learn about thread in this page.
- Multithreading - Video
Sometimes reading makes us feel dizzy. If you prefer to learn about thread in visual format, this is it.
- Multitasking vs Multithreading vs Multiprocessing
After studying about thread and multithreading, we may wonder what makes it differs to multitasking and multiprocessing. This video explains about their differences with good explanation.
- Advantages and Disadvantages of a Multithreading
Yes multithreading is useful, but what is the pros and cons of multithreading actually? This site answers that question without long-winded explanation.
Week 7
- Synchronization in Operating System
This page site explains about the process of synchronization, whis is a way to coordinate processes that use shared data.
- Peterson’s Algorithm in Synchronization
This algorithm is used to synchronize several processes. GeeksForGeeks always explain topics with understandable sentences right?
Week 8
- Linux from Scratch
This week, we learned about LFS. This site may has everything you need to know about LFS.
- too long; didn’t read linux from scratch
LFS is a great book, but I think it’s not straight to the point. I found github repository to read about LFS with shorter explanation. Enjoy!
Week 9
LFS 11.0 Concept in Bahasa
Kernotex’s videos are awesome. But honestly it’s hard for me to understand the concept of lfs e.g how it works, the command we’re doing, why we have to execute this or that, due to his British accent (?) XD. At this point, I found another playlist of LFS but it’s explained in bahasa. So, it’s must be easier to understand.
This is a Wikipedia article that explains about what and how bootloader works.
[HDD Structure](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEORcCQ62nQ>
I think this Youtube video is useful for understanding the structure of HDDand how it works because it explains with animation.
HDD Inside While It’s Running
Point number 2 is the animation version. But what’s actually happening inside a REAL HDD? This video is interesting to watch!
Week 10
- What is SATA?
Do you wonder what SATA is? This site explains about SATA.
- I/O Systems
This is a brief that explains about I/O Systems concept in operating system. What makes this interesting is that the site also give visualizations so that we can understand better.
- I/O Software Princples
While point number 2 explains about I/O Systems, this site gives you information about its principles when applied on software.